A bit of backstory...

A tormented soul with the power to control darkness, Nero the Sable was born and raised in Deepground, the Shinra Company's secret testing ground for creating incredibly powerful soldiers. Extremely devoted to his brother, Weiss the Immaculate, Nero is shown to care for little else and will do anything to execute his brother's plans. Nero is often rather calm, but he is prone to violent outbursts once provoked. He has appeared in Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- (including the mobile phone game Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode -Final Fantasy VII- and the Multiplayer storyline), Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, the Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade DLC 'Episode INTERmission', and he briefly appeared in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

"Let us become one. Let us come together, so that none may ever tear us apart."

Now, with the brief backstory out of the way; hello! Welcome to my shrine dedicated to Nero the Sable! You might be wondering a few things, such as... "Why him of all characters?", "What's up with the Dirge of Cerberus obsession?", and "What content does this site have?". So, allow me to answer them in order.
Firstly, why Nero? Truth be told... probably reasons related to mental illness. I often enjoy characters who are a little bit sick in the head (for lack of a better definition), especially when they are very obsessive/devoted (bonus points if the character is also a bit tormented and miserable)! My brain just tends to latch onto characters like that sometimes, not much I can do about it!
Secondly, I just really like Dirge of Cerberus! I'm fascinated by Deepground, and I find Vincent's story very interesting. I personally feel like a lot of Dirge of Cerberus's storyline (not just Vincent's story!) is about handling trauma and mental illness, so some aspects of the story resonate with me.
To answer the third question... This site has a lot of content related to Nero the Sable! Here's some info on what this page offers: Home takes you to this page, Media will show you lots of images related to Nero, Links is where I've gathered a lot of links to pages, videos, etc. related to Nero (and generally Dirge of Cerberus!), Bonus is for things which don't fit into the other categories!