my identity is hard to label!! i like to jokingly say i identify as "everything and nothing all at once", but it's honestly a pretty accurate description of how i feel. the most simple way to describe myself is 'queer', but if you're willing to read my rambling...

so, in terms of my gender, i tend to collect labels; but mainly i would say my gender leans towards genderqueer, maybe genderfluid. the way i feel about my gender changes frequently, one moment i might find comfort in being masculine, the next moment i may prefer to stay far away from the very concept of gender, but then i may feel like multiple genders at once. personally, i find the entire concept of gender unnecessary and ridiculous, but i also enjoy exploring it and discovering new things about myself.
sexuality is a different matter, one i find much easier to label - although not easy to describe. i identify as a fagdyke (or dykefag, either way around is fine by me) - but i tend to simply say i'm gay/queer as i understand some people may not be fond of the label i use - and i am on the asexual spectrum (demisexual is the most fitting label for me in that regard). i know my identity might be difficult to understand for some people, as the idea of someone being both gay and lesbian at the same time does sound a bit unusual, but it likely makes more sense if you consider my complicated gender identity.

well, if you read my rambling, thank you so much!! below is a collection of labels i identify with and their flags, and below that will be several queer blinkies/stamps/GIFs/etc. i have collected (and some are ones i made)!

please be careful scrolling down to the GIFs if you are sensitive to bright colours and/or flashing lights!!
